Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Its important to take care of your physical health. To deprive yourself of unhealthy food ,alcohol, drugs, and to work out to get strong muscles and bones. The future of the world depends on it.
Every human is responsible for procreation, and good habits over the generations can change your gene structure for the better, and create healthier human beings.

There is a reason why the Chinese have good skin, or Jews are academically intelligent people. Its generations of hard work upon themselves. Being irresponsible with oneself if being irresponsible toward evolution.


Twelve years and eleven said...

Wow, your post makes me all guilty.

Gowtham said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree being fit is a journey and not a destination... I have read your earlier blog titled "Release me"... All of our bodies show signs of deterioration at a young age cause just like other material assets we dont invest in it enough... the avenues out there to make the body fitter & better are innumerable... everyone needs to explore these avenues to proceed towards their goals.... I am also trying to do the same....
Just being employed with a dance studio which is ill-organized, has indisciplined staff & lacks honesty at entrepreneur level does not take any of us any closer to achieveing our goals.....

Gowtham said...
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Pallavi Nopany said...

@Anonymous, have the courage to unanonymize yourself if you want to criticize something.
@Gwotham: Thanks.

Gowtham said...

Purpose of life is survival with satisfaction. For that, our body is the one and only tool given by God. One can gain anything else with health but not the other way around.

Eating right, engaging in active sport(s), gaining knowledge about health and devoting time for it is the right way.

I agree with Friction that "Being irresponsible with oneself is being irresponsible to our whole human community".

Anonymous said...

Long time no post. Respecting popular demand, can we have a post please?