Sunday, October 26, 2008

I need some inspiration

And its not coming easily


A-Ray said...

Inspiration on what?

Umang said...

+1 for that YouTube video.

Anonymous said...

If you take reality, rationality and logic as irreducible primary ( like when you see 1+1 =2 you won’t feel sad or happy and you won’t wish it should be more or else etc).Whether you feel sad or happy reality won’t change. We should accept that 90% of the population or incompetent and stupid and cant determine what is good and bad for themselves (which can be evident from the fact that people killed the persons who ever invented any great thing like electricity , anesthesia etc).Most of the people want to believe whatever is convenient to them not necessarily the rationally correct one.(people believe in god because they want to believe not that they know the it is true etc) Rationally Man should pursue happiness , today people damn whatever gives pleasure to man ( sex, cigarette, coke , mobile ) to make man feel guilty and un-happy . Because it is not possible to control man who feels guiltless happiness . today 90% of the philosophy and religion (and thus the world) is filled with the content that makes man feel guilty and advocate irrationality . Hold on to the basic that whatever makes you feel happy and great is good and whatever makes you feel sad , guilt or small is evil.
P.S. Copied from various authors

Pallavi Nopany said...

I need some inspiration- and its not coming easily : These are actually words out of a Natasha Bedingfield song. "these words are my own". Ironic name of a song to have plagiarized words from.